Our Outreach extends throughout the Scotch Plains-Fanwood-Westfield-Plainfield areas--and beyond!
Here are some ways in which we engage our community with hope, care and love.
If you'd like to donate to our Outreach ministries or get involved, please contact us!
Here are some ways in which we engage our community with hope, care and love.
If you'd like to donate to our Outreach ministries or get involved, please contact us!

Senior Breakfast Plus!
The first Tuesday of every month, we host 50+ parish and community seniors for an expansive free breakfast buffet followed by an interesting program or activity such as relevant lectures,
Bingo and other kinds of games, sing-a-longs, and much more.
Our next event will occur on Tuesday, February 4th starting at 10:00 am.
Please stay tuned for updates about our focused program and/or activity!
The first Tuesday of every month, we host 50+ parish and community seniors for an expansive free breakfast buffet followed by an interesting program or activity such as relevant lectures,
Bingo and other kinds of games, sing-a-longs, and much more.
Our next event will occur on Tuesday, February 4th starting at 10:00 am.
Please stay tuned for updates about our focused program and/or activity!
Heart for Humanity: All Saints' has been a strong supporter of this Fanwood-based organization for years. Heart for Humanity provides groceries, holiday packages, baby and toddler supplies, and more to families in need throughout our local area. We're always collecting nonperishable items for them, with occasional holiday or special need drives.
Pets for Vets: We provide pet foods and related supplies to Valley Brook Vets, along with personal and cleaning items not available from their programs or local food pantries.
St. Vincent de Paul Society: We collect nonperishable AND perishable foods for this fantastic pantry in North Plainfield! Serving nearly 100 families, St. Vincent de Paul is always in need of groceries (particularly meat products), with seasonal drives for warm clothing and holiday packages.
American Red Cross: Every quarter, All Saints' hosts an American Red Cross blood drive in Lea Hall that benefits a multitude of people, also in surrounding states.

Refugee Assistance Partners: RAP sponsors refugee families from all over the world who settle in northern NJ.