Rector Search
All Saints’ Episcopal Church of Scotch Plains NJ initiated its search for a new rector upon accepting
the January 31, 2024 resignation of Mother Susanna Cates, its 21st Rector. Mother Susanna is now
Canon Susanna of the Diocese of New Jersey, serving as the Canon for Formation and Vocation.
On February 19, the Vestry appointed nine parishioners to compose the Discernment Committee (DC).
The DC is chartered to prepare an updated Parish Profile that will appear on this website and on the
parish’s social media. The Profile will offer potential candidates a view of what the parish will expect
of its next Rector and what the next Rector may expect to find in our parish and our community. With
guidance from the Diocese of New Jersey, the DC will make the opening widely known among
Episcopal clergy throughout the United States and even abroad.
Eventually, the DC will review of resumés of all applicants, and proceed to interview and, if desired, to
meet with the top candidates. They will conclude their work by presenting a ranked slate of two or
three candidates to the Vestry. The Vestry members will review the resumés of these top candidates,
conduct interviews and decide on the one they prefer. That candidate’s name will be forwarded to
Bishop French who will call the cleric to become the 22nd Rector of All Saints’, Scotch Plains.
The first meeting of the DC will be Wednesday, February 28, 2024. Further reports of progress in the
search for our next Rector will be responsibility of the DC chairperson. Anyone needing more
information should link to the Transitions webpage of the Diocese of New Jersey.
- Gerald Shea, Warden
the January 31, 2024 resignation of Mother Susanna Cates, its 21st Rector. Mother Susanna is now
Canon Susanna of the Diocese of New Jersey, serving as the Canon for Formation and Vocation.
On February 19, the Vestry appointed nine parishioners to compose the Discernment Committee (DC).
The DC is chartered to prepare an updated Parish Profile that will appear on this website and on the
parish’s social media. The Profile will offer potential candidates a view of what the parish will expect
of its next Rector and what the next Rector may expect to find in our parish and our community. With
guidance from the Diocese of New Jersey, the DC will make the opening widely known among
Episcopal clergy throughout the United States and even abroad.
Eventually, the DC will review of resumés of all applicants, and proceed to interview and, if desired, to
meet with the top candidates. They will conclude their work by presenting a ranked slate of two or
three candidates to the Vestry. The Vestry members will review the resumés of these top candidates,
conduct interviews and decide on the one they prefer. That candidate’s name will be forwarded to
Bishop French who will call the cleric to become the 22nd Rector of All Saints’, Scotch Plains.
The first meeting of the DC will be Wednesday, February 28, 2024. Further reports of progress in the
search for our next Rector will be responsibility of the DC chairperson. Anyone needing more
information should link to the Transitions webpage of the Diocese of New Jersey.
- Gerald Shea, Warden
Discernment Committee
On February 25, 2024, All Saints' commissioned the Discernment Committee to identify candidates
in search of the 21st Rector of All Saints'. The Committee Members are as follows:
Michelle Smith-Crona (Chair)
Marcene Anderson
Joe Britt
Marie Fox (Vestry)
Chris Harris
Mary O'Connor
Arleen Preston
Art Richardson (Vestry)
Tommy Tressler-Gelok